Nigel Farage: The Ultimate Grifter and The National Disgrace of Britian

Keith Lockwood, Ph.D.
4 min readMay 23, 2024
Nigel Farage an authentic Richard Cranium

Nigel Farage, the perennial political chancer, has long been a fixture on the British political scene, not for his successes, but for his resounding failures and shameless self-promotion. His repeated attempts to gain a foothold in the British Parliament have been nothing short of pathetic. Despite running seven times for a seat in the House of Commons, the electorate has consistently rejected him. Farage’s lack of electoral success speaks volumes about his disconnect with the British public and his inability to resonate beyond the narrow, divisive rhetoric that has defined his career.

Farage has managed to remain in the limelight by trading on fear and division, using the European Union as a convenient scapegoat for the UK’s problems. His campaign to leave the EU was marked by outright lies and fearmongering, including the infamous claim that Brexit would result in £350 million per week for the NHS — a promise he swiftly backtracked on once the votes were counted. Farage’s manipulation of facts and peddling of xenophobia has left a stain on the moral fabric of the nation, promoting a vision of Britain that is insular, intolerant, and out of step with its historical values of openness and fairness.

Farage’s most recent escapade — his enthusiastic support for Donald Trump’s re-election campaign —…



Keith Lockwood, Ph.D.

ASL teacher, Teacher of the Deaf, Keith is also a New Jersey based genealogist specializing in British, Irish and Italian genealogy and citizenship reclamation.