I have lived in the US most of my life growing up here. Lived in Europe for a few years in grad school. One of my daughters died here 6 years ago with support from her family but little elsewhere. I was raised a catholic but have been a Buddhist for many years now. I, in a very unbuddhist way, have enormous contempt and scorn with the rise of Christian Nationalism. I am sick of the puerile and uninformed arguments and encouragement of people like Trump, Desantis and his ilk. Christians have enabled this behavior and the sickness of 1/3 of the country would be happy to kill another 1/3 of the country while the remaining 1/3 sat back and watched. I am making plans to sell my house and buy a home in Europe and live the remaining years of my life relegated to being an outsider as this is my culture, to evade the atavistic republican be-spoilers to live with some modicum of peace beyond the irrelevant preaching of Christian clowns and insipid republican bloviating Christian morons.